Sporting Ranch with 3,451 deeded acres
3.5 miles of Creek
48 miles from Lewistown
920 acres of Dryland and Irrigable Tilled Land
New Isulated Shop with RV hookup
Upland Bird, Water Fowl, and Big Game Hunting
Rich Riparian Habitat
Spurs and Furs Ranch stands out as a premium turn key hunting property. Its a rare occurrence that ranches offer quality hunting and retain such production. From the vast opportunity from running dogs for birds, decoying doves, jump shooting ducks, or hunting deer and elk, the Spurs and Furs Ranch is a complete package
BEAUTIFUL MONTANA RANCHES FOR SALEPhillips Realty has been specializing in Farm and Ranch transactions in Central Montana since 1982. Our emphasis has been on all phases and sizes of agricultural and recreational properties including Mountain Properties, Dryland and Irrigated Farms, Cattle Ranches, and Riverfront Properties. Our families are third generation ranch owners in the area and have the practical knowledge of working livestock and farming operations. Also, we are heavily involved with wildlife habitat enhancement projects which has been a real success. Let us know if you have any questions or if we can be of any help in purchasing or selling your farm or ranch. Phillips Realty 207 West Main, Ste. 4 Lewistown, MT 59457 Phone:(406) 538-5271 Cell:(406) 366-0644 Fax:(406) 538-6626