Outstanding mountain top building site on 100 acres with 2 water wells, cabin and lush RV in place. Cabin has large bedroom area, kitchen and nice bathroom and porches on front and back with great views. Elevation in 2240 ft. Property has good hunting, very good tree cover, handgun shooting range. Two large shipping containers filled with spare parts and supplies. All roads are crushed base. Property is well maintained and has frontage on a county road. Internet service by Bee Creek and satellite service by Direct TV. 12 nest cameras which monitor property and Ring camera on RV front entrance. Large steel firepit adjacent to the cabin and RV. ag exempt 3 water wells which one has a windmill and 3 large concrete 2800 gallon water holding tanks, 3 concrete water drinking tanks for cattle and wildlife. 2 septic systems, 2 weboost cell signal boosters provide dependable communications and WIFI service for the cabin and RV. 2 retention ponds for wildlife. Electronic double front gate and cattle guard at entrance.
from Harper, north on FM 783, left on Kramer Rd. 3.5 miles entrance on left