Appanoose County, Iowa
The Hefner farms are located in Sections 3, 4 & 9, Lincoln Township & Section 33, Johns Township, Appanoose County, Iowa, near the small village of Jerome, Iowa. (2 1/2 miles south of Plano, Iowa or 10 miles west of Centerville, Iowa). From Plano, Iowa on St. Hwy. 2 go east 3/4 of a mile to 135th Ave. Turn right or south and proceed 1 1/4 miles to Co. Rd. J44 (524th St.) turn right or west a go 1 mile to the farms. (Be watching for presale directional signs)
380 Acres (subject to survey) 7 Tracts
Mark your calendars now for this upcoming Appanoose County, Iowa land auction. This farm has it all including productive tillable farmland, improved pastureland and desirable hunting & recreational acreage. Several of these tracts offer attractive new home building sites. We look forward to your participation in this fast approaching Southern Iowa land auction.
TRACT 1 - 51 ACRES (subject to survey)
FSA information indicates 48.70 acres of tillable cropland, currently in row crop production. The balance of the tract is in waterway and there is a pond located on the tract.
Seymour, Edina & Clarinda soils.
CSR2 is 57.7.
Access is on the east by 125th Ave.
TRACT 2 - 21 ACRES (subject to survey)
FSA information indicates 17.60 acres of tillable cropland, currently in row crop production. The balance of the tract is in a waterway that includes a pond.
Seymour, Edina & Clarinda soils.
CSR2 is 57.6.
This parcel offers several attractive building sites.
Access is on the south by Co. Rd. J44 (524th St.) & on the east by 125th Ave.
TRACT 3 - 86 ACRES (subject to survey)
FSA information indicates 36.76 acres of tillable cropland, currently in row crop production. The balance of the tract is pastureland and wooded draws featuring desirable hunting & recreational acreage.
Olmitz-Vessor-Colo, Clarinda & Gara soils.
CSR2 is 38.9.
Access is on the west by 125th Ave.
TRACT 4 - 57 ACRES (subject to survey)
FSA information indicates 56.73 acres of tillable cropland, currently in row crop production. The balance of the tract is in a waterway.
Seymour, Clarinda & Edina soils.
CSR2 is 51.3.
Access is on west by 125th Ave. via driveway that will need constructed and has been approved by the Appanoose County Secondary Road Department. Said driveway installation costs will be at the buyers expense.
TRACT 5 - 19 ACRES (subject to survey)
FSA information indicates 15.02 acres of tillable cropland, currently in row crop production. The balance of the tract includes a grass area in the eastern portion of the tract.
Seymour & Edina soils.
CSR2 is 59.5.
This parcel offers several attractive building sites.
Access is on the west by 125th Ave. & on the south by Co. Rd. J44 (524th St.).
TRACT 6 - 29 ACRES (subject to survey)
FSA information indicates 16.72 acres of tillable cropland, currently in row crop production. The balance of the tract includes wooded draws featuring attractive hunting & recreational opportunities. There is a small pond located on this tract.
Seymour, Clarinda & Shelby soils.
CSR2 is 32.7.
Access is on the east by 522nd St.
TRACT 7 - 117 ACRES (subject to survey)
FSA information indicates 75.42 acres of tillable cropland, currently in row crop production. The balance of the tract is a wooded area in the southern portion and wooded draws offering attractive hunting & recreational acreage. There is a pond located on the tract.
Kennebec-Amana, Seymour & Clarinda soils.
CSR2 is 45.4.
Access is on the east by 130th Ave.
Auction Manager:
John Probasco (641) 856-7355