Heres an incredibly diverse property in Dodge County offering great hunting within convenient driving distance from Milwaukee, something we all want but is incredibly hard to find! Seller LOVES this property and swore he'd never sell but a move out of state opens this unique piece to new ownership. This 39-acres has a little of everything: a building site with water views, 5 acres tillable, .6mi of Rock River frontage, timber, grassy hillsides, some wetland, etc. Multiple good bucks have been harvested from this property over the years. With ideal food plot locations, ample bedding, water, surrounding ag fields, and cattails which the deer spend a ton of time in during the late season, its easy to see why all the area wildlife congregate on this property. Just slip in and wait Theyll come! This isn't a classic or large hunting piece, but it's the ''right'' one. In a general area that is somewhat spars with cover, this is their bedroom. When the neighboring corn comes out, it only gets better! If youre also into waterfowl, its the best of both worlds. Its no slouch with turkeys or fishing either. The river system connects to Sinissippi Lake just south of this property, offering other recreation such as boating, skiing, tubing, waterfront bar/restaurants, etc. It's a hidden gem and a true hunters or nature lover's paradise. A MUST SEE.
Address: : Lt0 Hwy S Horicon, WI
Bullet Points
* 39 very diverse acres
* Paved road access
* 5-acres tillable (not currently farmed)
* Building site with Rock River views
* .6mi of Rock River frontage
* Great deer, turkey and waterfowl hunting opportunities
* Ideal locations for food plots
* Multiple pinch points for stand locations
* Several large deer have been harvested here
* Potential pasture area for cattle or horses
* Easy access throughout property
* Convenient to Milwaukee/Madison
* Very unique property
Luke Wessel | Land Agent & Realtor
LandGuys, LLC of Wisconsin
Cell: 608-295-8395
Office: 217-899-1240
From Hwy 67 near Iron Ridge: Go west on Hwy S for 4.8mi. Property on south side of rd.
From Juneau: East on Hwy S for 3mi
From Horicon: South on Main Street Rd. for 1.8mi. Left on Hwy S for .6mi