Very special place for a very special buyer. Must love history, and living near possible ghosts! Access to this 4.88 wooded acres is by a deeded, non exclusive easement through the Laurel Hill Cemetery in Tallapoosa, GA. Laurel Hill Cemetery is home to several burial sites from the 1800's - Best neighbors ever! They are very quiet. Acreage starts at the top of the hill at the metal gate. Nice spot to build, set up a mobile home, or use for recreation camping. Perfect spot for Civil War enthusiast. Located approx. 2 miles from Tallapoosa River canoe access, and only 10 minutes to I-20. Located in ABC Triangle - 1 hour to Atlanta, GA - 2 hours to Birmingham, AL - 3 hours to Chattanooga, TN.
Use 452 Riverside Rd for GPS. Cemetery is just past. Must currently walk around gate and walk up the hill to see lot.