400 Acres Divide County, ND
Wednesday, April 16, 2025 11:00 a.m. (CT)
Auction Location: Moose Lodge Crosby, ND
Auction Note: This Divide County land features 400 +/- acres which includes cropland and Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). The cropland has a good cropping history with soils suitable for wheat, canola, and soybeans. Parcel 2 has a combination of cropland with 79.53 acres of CRP land. The current landlord tenant lease is through 2026. Both parcels are currently enrolled in North Dakota Game & Fish PLOTS program, see parcel breakdown for details. This is a live auction with internet and phone bidding available.
Contact: Bob Pifer at 701.371.8538 for more information.
Parcel 1
Acres: 240 +/-
Legal: NW & NSW 14-162-103
Crop Acres: 203.59 +/-
PLOTS Acres: 36.1 Acres Idle Habitat at $13.00/Acre, $469.30 Total - Payment on November 25 - Expires March 2026
PLOTS Acres: 204.09 Acres Cropland at $1.00/Acre - $204.90 Total Payment on November 25 - Expires March 2026
Taxes (2024): $961.53
Tax Parcel #: 31-0000-40700-000 and 31-0000-40720
This parcel offers 203.59 +/- acres of good cropland. Current North Dakota Game & Fish PLOTS in place and according to the ND Game & Fish the buyer may have the option to continue after expiration.
Parcel 2
Acres: 160 +/-
Legal: SE 26-162-103
Crop Acres: 79.5 +/-
CRP Acres: S 79.53 +/- Acres at $15/ac. - $1,193.00/annually Expires: 9-30-2030
PLOTS Acres: N 2.6 Acres Idle Habitat at $13.00/Acre, $33.80 Total - Payment on November 25 - Expires March 2026
PLOTS Acres: N 77.9 Acres Cropland at $1.00/Acre - $77.90 Total Payment on November 25 - Expires March 2026
PLOTS Acres: S 80 Acres Cropland at $35.90/Acre - $2,872.00 Total Payment on March 25 - Expires December 2028
Taxes (2024): $565.73
Tax Parcel #: 31-0000-40990-000 and 31-0000-41010-000
This parcel offers 79.5 +/- acres of good cropland on the north half and 79.53 of CRP acres on the south half. Current North Dakota Game & Fish PLOTS in place and according to the ND Game & Fish the buyer may have the option to continue after expiration. South half PLOTS may have a generous payment increase if there is a renewal.
OWNERS: Matt & Jennifer Jensen
From Westby, MT, go east a mile on E Front St. and go south a mile on a field road. This will bring you to the northwest corner of parcel 1. Back on E Front St., to east 1 mile to 151st Ave. NW and then go south 3 miles. This will bring you to the northeast corner of parcel 2.