Irrigated land southeast of Portales New Mexico, including a 2017 Zimmatic in the process of being relocated to this farm, a 2012 Pierce sprinkler and a 1997 Reinke making up the last of the three circle sprinklers. There is 355 acres of irrigated and 120.5 acres of fallow/grass corners. There are 5 wells currently that are all piped together. They can run any one sprinkler with close to 600 gpm, or with renozzling, you could divide that into any 2 sprinklers with around 300 gpm each. This farm is made up mostly of Amarillo loamy fine sand with the next highest percentage of Amarillo fine sandy loam soils. Then smaller percentages of Arvana loamy fine sand, Potter soils, Posey fine sandy loam & Seagraves fine sandy loam soils. Call your Realtor and lets take a look!
Travel south from Portales NM on Highway 206 to S. Roosevelt Road 12. Turn left (east) onto S. Roosevelt Road 12 and travel east to the end of paved road which is S. Roosevelt Road P. turn left again and travel north about 1/4 mile to the turn in of the southwest circle.