$1,360,000483 Acres
$1,360,000483 Acres

Bowen Valley, Baker City, OR 97814 - Baker County

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Property ID 18382776

Bowen Valley Ranch


The Bowen Valley Ranch is located 2.5 miles South of Baker City, Oregon. Noteworthy, this ranch is close to town yet completely hidden from the city. Consisting of 483 acres, a combination of parcels includes the Powder River, irrigated meadows and rolling sagebrush rangeland. The property is currently leased and imparts favorable opportunities for livestock. Water is consistent, soils are productive and views are noteworthy. Water is supplied through a combination of primary and supplemental water rights. Mostly flood irrigation. The land has been in the family for many decades. There are approximately 203 acres of primary water rights and 165 acres of supplemental rights. Of note the ranch can utilize 128.7 acres of these supplemental rights from Phillips Reservoir stored water enabling a consistent water supply source throughout the growing season on most years.

A 2,688 sq. ft. machine shed with power currently exists on the ranch. Sellers have applied for and received approval for 3 Lot of Record’s with the Baker County Planning department to allow for dwelling’s to be located on the property.

Direct year-round access from Highway 7 provides the opportunity for peaceful country living with the luxury of shopping, health care and schools minutes away. If you are looking for a ranch with multiple home sites good views, productive soils and stored water rights, this property will certainly get your attention.


The ranch is identified as 4 separate properties. These properties are not currently for sale separately.

Bowen Place: 167.89 Acres

Bratcher Place: 45.0 Acres

River Place: 38.4 Acres

Stellman Place: 232.02 Acres

Identification of Subject Property:

T09S R40E 32 Tax lots 1100, 1200, 1500, 1600

T09S R40E 33 Tax lot 200

T10SR40E Tax lot 800


From Baker City, Highway 7 South 2.5 miles.

Overview of Entire Ranch Water Rights:

Lengthy water rights recorded on the ranch. Most of which have a primary or supplemental water from Powder River and the Baker Valley Irrigation District for good water on normal years. On drier years this can vary.

The primary water rights totaling 203 acres are as follows: 145.9 acres of Powder River rights and 57.4 from Creeks and streams. The supplemental stored reservoir acres of water rights are 128.7 acres Phillis Reservoir with additional 36.4 acres of supplemental rights from creeks. These acres are not considered additional acres of water right acres but supplement the primary right acres they are associated with.

Bowen Place

Comprised of 167.89 acres. Located adjacent to Highway 7 with good access. A second access from Elk Creek Road. Administrative report & approval for a Lot of Record dwelling was completed in 2023. Approval-LOR-23-189. Approval Expiration 10/26/2027.

The place includes flood irrigated meadows along with hillside land (could be sprinkler irrigated) and rangeland. Elevation on this property ranges from 3510’ on the east side up to 3680’ on the west side.

Water rights & Irrigation:

A variety of water rights exist on this parcel including Elk Creek, Griffin Gulch, and overflow from City Tank. Supplemental rights on most of the same sources highlighted by Phillips Reservoir rights which are known to provide consistent water later in the irrigation season.

The large meadow parallel with Highway 7 uses primarily Powder River water with supplemental rights from Mason Dam for normally ample full season water. Early water from Elk Creek can be mixed with this field. Water conveyance is open dirt ditches. Baker Valley Irrigation District shows 39.8 acres in the areas for assessment however waters from Elk Creek are often mixed with the meadow field.

Adjacent to the West of the meadow is a sloping hillside. It has been sprinkled with wheel-lines in past years utilizing Elk Creek water. Elk Creek water is reportedly good until early to mid- summer on a normal year however during a drought year it is possible to not receive any water. Baker City has a municipal water right from Elk Creek farther upstream and we are told takes the majority as needed, leaving irrigation users short. The Elk Creek water source as a result is considered fair.

Water rights: Elk Creek 15 ac, 36.4 Primary, 15 ac overflow supplemental, 20.4 stored supplemental, 20 ac Griffin gulch. A visit with the watermaster is encouraged for serious buyers to differentiate the rights.


The bottom meadow is primarily a silt loam soil, Boyce and Baldock Series. Deep soils with good water holding capacity but poorly drained and you can expect high seasonal water tables.

The hill soils are well drained silt or gravelly loam and moderately deep soils over a duripan layer between 2’ and 4’ deep.

Stock Water

Irrigation ditches from Elk Creek along with a natural drainage provide good stock water supply. Also, a drilled well at the former home-site next to the meadow also provides water later in the growing season and can be used during the winter.


A 32x84 shop/machine shed all wood framed. Shop has electricity. Shop structure is functional. The lean-to structure on the back side is in need of repair.

Grazing Rights:

No BLM or Forest Service Grazing Rights are included.


Exclusive Farm Use zoning requires segregations of 160 acres (irrigated) or 320 acres (dry). However, a Lot of Record was applied for and received.

Bratcher Place

Consists of 45 acres. Access is from a graveled single lane home site access road (easement0 leading to dwellings about 1/8 west of the property. Mostly rolling sagebrush and rangeland. This access road runs along the south side of the separate 5-acre parcel (tax-lot (1500) and up through the 40-acre parcel (tax lot 1100).

These two tracts would be required to be segregated together from other subject parcels. Planning department said the family acquired them that way. The two tracts are separated by 100’ at their corners and 1500 actually has a common border with Bowen Place.

Licklider Creek curves through the south line of his parcel and through the 5-acre tract. And there is a larger catch pond for mostly reliable stock water earlier in the spring. Along the drainage and pond is 4.2 acres of improved pasture. The remaining pasture is rolling sagebrush.

Water rights:

The Bratcher has a recorded water right from Elk Creek with a 1919 priority date for 10 acres. It does not appear at time of writing they are currently irrigating this acreage. Any potential use for this right would need to be confirmed by the water master.

River Place

Aptly named this property has the Powder River running through it. With 38.4 acres this parcel lays East of Highway 7 off of a gravel county road. An irrigation ditch also runs across the base of the hill between the river and the slope of the hill. This ditch supplies other water users downstream.

Water Rights

The property is served with primary irrigation water from the Powder River, waste water and Phillips Lake Reservoir for a total of 11.9 acres. There are also supplemental rights from Powder River and Mason Reservoir for 11.2 acres covering the same ground. There are no rights from the irrigation lateral that serves the users down below.


A loam soil with good water holding capacity, somewhat poorly drained with a high-water table earlier in the growing season. Across the river up on the hill is rangeland type soils. Juniper, sagebrush and bunchgrasses.

Sliding hillside

It was reported that a section of the hillside across the river and up the hill has actively been shifting downhill. Older report indicated several experts have looked at it with no clear solution.


A set of panel corrals both steel and wooden are located on the Northern portion of the field. The corrals have received little use and are primitive and in need of repair prior to future use. Mapping indicates some of the corral may be located on neighboring property parcel.

Flood zone

Flood maps indicate all of the river pasture is within a potential flood zone, indicating past flooding from the Powder River during very high runoff years. There has been no recent flooding.


Exclusive Farm Use. Lot of Record was applied for and approved. Approval LOR-23-191. Home place would logically need to be located on the irrigated pastureland; however, it is within the flood plain. The hillside is likely too steep and with the uncertainty of the shifting slope would make it not desirable.

Stellman Place

This 232.02 property is a combination of irrigated cropland and meadow with a majority of the rolling-to-steep native sagebrush rangeland located mile southeast from the River Place with fairly good access from Beaver Creek Loop county road. The parcel is located on the east edge of the Bowen Valley bottom lands.

Smith Ditch runs full length of the property winding along the hillside above most of the irrigated lands. An old homesite possibly homestead has remnants on the Southeast corner. Power was removed from years ago from this site. There is power at the neighboring property to the North. A determination if that power can be run to this property has not been determined at time of writing. Shaffner Creek enters the property in the southeast corner but dries up typically in the later spring.

Water rights

Good water rights, nearly all from the Powder River, with supplemental from Powder River and Phillips Lake (Mason Dam) for full season water on normal precipitation years. Water is applied through dirt ditches. The pasture needs to be replanted and consistently irrigated to maximize production. This land is at the top of the Smith Ditch which supplies water throughout the Baker Valley. The property has a total of 45.9 acre of primary rights and 44.4 acres of supplemental. Baker Valley Irrigation District shows 46 acres of free flow water.


The irrigated terrace comprises of silt loam soils over a cemented duripan 20-40 deep.

The rangeland soils are gravelly silt loam well drained with a high water holding capacity. A great potential for future rangeland seeding projects.


Exclusive Farm USE A lot of record for dwelling was approved. LOR-23-190. The approval expires 10/26/2027

Current Lease

The ranch is currently leased. Seller maintains Lessee is willing to coordinate an early departure from the multiple year lease contract.


The majority of the ranch is meadow grass.


In Baker County, residents enjoy all four seasons. Each season has its beauty and each resident has his or her favorite season. This property ranges in annual precipitation from 9-12 inches. The majority of moisture comes in the winter months in the form of snow. Spring and fall rains also compliment the growing season.


3,400 ft.

Mineral Rights:

The owner does not warrant that there are any mineral rights available. However, any mineral or geothermal rights owned by the seller are included as part of the property being offered for sale.

Baker City

Baker City is the county seat of Baker County. The population is about 10,000. Baker has an abundance of history relating to their mining activity and their presence along the Oregon Trail. Baker has a thriving arts and culture community with many museums, art galleries, and fine restaurants.

Recreation and Wildlife:

The ranch provides a wonderful backdrop for hiking, horseback riding, mountain biking, skiing and ATV riding in the nearby mountains. You can directly access hundreds of miles of trails and primitive roads from the ranch. There are a series of county and forest service roads connecting you all the way to the Elkhorn Mountains and OHV trails.

Eagle Cap Wilderness:

Lying in the heart of the Wallowa Mountains, the Eagle Cap Wilderness is the largest wilderness area in Oregon. The 360,000 acres contains scenic wild rivers like the Minam and Imnaha, 53 high mountain lakes, 540 miles of trails, granite crags, and steep-walled valleys formed by ancient glaciers. The mountain peaks are breathtaking as they seem to go on forever in all directions. Open meadows show off the gorgeous wildflowers. Wildlife is abundant in the wilderness. Visitors can see elk, deer, bighorn sheep, mountain goat, coyote, black bear, and cougar. Peregrine Falcons and Bald Eagles grace the skies with their presence. Each season comes and goes bringing with it new beauty and new adventures.

Hells Canyon National Recreation Area:

Hells Canyon is the deepest river gorge in North America. It runs along the border of Idaho and Oregon and was cut by the Snake River. The Oregon rim of the canyon is more than a mile above the river and the Idaho rim measures 8000 feet from the top of He Devil Mountain to the river bank. That is over 2000 feet deeper than the Grand Canyon! The Snake River, cutting through the gorge features world-class whitewater boating. Along with diverse and abundant wildlife, there are artifacts from prehistoric tribes and rustic remains of early miners and settlers. There are many trails to take you into the recreation area if hiking or horseback riding is your preferable mode of exploring. There are several active backcountry airstrips along the Snake River and in the Hells Canyon uplands available for commercial or public use. Skiing

Anthony Lake’s highway is adjacent to the property and provides quick access to the Wallowa Whitman National Forest and the Anthony Lakes Ski Resort. There is approximately 1100 acres of alpine terrain with 900 feet of vertical elevation with an average of 300 inches of snow. A triple chair lift provides access to the top of the 8,000 foot mountain where on certain weekends you can enjoy a burger and a beverage on top of the world. Down at the lodge you will find a complete dining area along with the well-known Starbottle Saloon. The mountain is popular for its powdery dry snow.


Depending on the winter, you can leave directly from the ranch and access plethora of snowmobiling opportunities. In the winter months, average snowfall in the higher elevations is 300 inches. This provides the perfect opportunity for the much-loved activity of snowmobiling. There are hundreds of miles of groomed trails in Baker County. Trails take you to scenic overlooks or other fun destinations.

Elkhorn Crest Trail:

The Elkhorn Crest National Recreation Trail takes a high ridge along the length of the Elkhorn Range past some of the highest peaks in Oregon's Blue Mountains. The trail itself is a 23-mile one-way backpack. Mountain goats are often seen in these parts and in summer, there's a wildflower bonanza. The trail can either begin or end at the Anthony Lakes Mountain Resort where you can enjoy wood fired pizza.

Hiking/Backpacking/Horseback Riding

Near The Ranch there are miles of trails open for hiking, backpacking, and horseback riding. Some of the popular trail heads are West Eagle Meadows, East Eagle and Boulder Park. Both the Eagle Cap Wilderness and the Elkhorn Mountain Range offer unique recreation opportunities, and the promise of a wonderful adventure.

Fishing and Boating

Additional Angling Opportunities:

Powder River:

The river meandering through the ranch has trout and bass fishing opportunities.

Richland Marina/Powder River Arm of Brownlee Reservoir:

Considered a warm water fishery it is home to smallmouth bass, flathead catfish, largemouth bass, crappie, rainbow trout, and many other species. Several other dams are in place to provide power. These dams break up the river into 2 other reservoirs: Starting farthest Oxbow Reservoir, and Hells Canyon Reservoir. Excellent fishing continues into the canyon as the Snake River runs wild and free.

Eagle Creek:

A high mountain stream flowing south out of the Eagle Creek Wilderness gets a good stocking of hatchery rainbow trout near Forest Service campgrounds during the early summer. Above this area, hikers can fish Crater, Looking Glass, Bear, Culver, or Heart lakes.

Balm Creek Reservoir:

This 110-acre reservoir has both trout and warm water fishing. It is usually stocked with smallmouth bass.

Anthony Lakes:

The beautiful lake sits at 7,100' in elevation. The lake is stocked several times each summer with catchable Rainbow Trout, beginning in late June. Brook trout are also available. A nicely maintained USFS campground is present at the Lake. There are a series of lakes nearby that also provide good fishing opportunities.

Pilcher Creek Reservoir:

This is a 140-acre reservoir located about 10 miles northwest of North Powder, Oregon. This reservoir has a campground and boat ramp in a wooded area on its southwest shore. Trout fishing is good in spring and summer. This reservoir grows large crappie but angler success varies. Fish species: trout, crappie and bullhead catfish.

Wolf Creek Reservoir:

This is a 230-acre reservoir located approximately six miles northwest of the city of North Powder, Oregon. This reservoir has a boat ramp, picnic area and restrooms. Activities here include fishing, water skiing and jet-skiing. Fish species: rainbow trout and crappie. Ski boats pulling tubes are often seen during the warmer summer months.



Property Website
Listing provided by
The Whitney Land Company
(541) 275-2360
Listing last updated: March 6, 2025 at 6:24 PM
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