49.33 acres formerly known as Delaney Creek located on Falkenburg Road, Unincorporated Hillsborough
County, Gibsonton, Florida 33534. The property is made up of two contiguous parcels.
Location: The property is located on the west side of Falkenburg Road, south of Progress Boulevard approximately 2.5 miles
south of the Falkenburg Road and US Highway 301 intersection.
Access: The property is accessible off of Falkenburg Road.
Size: 49.33 acres, 25.60 acres of usable uplands
Zoning: PD
Folio ID #: U-01-30-19-663-000001-66330.0 (047935-000) and U-12-30-19-663-000001-68270.0 (049070-0000)
Utilities: 12 water main and force main have been constructed offsite and appear to be located on the east side of
Falkenburg Road. In addition to extending across Falkenburg Road, the onsite water mains, gravity sewer, lift
stations and a force main needs to be designed and constructed to support this propertys approved building plans
once final.