Description: This 40+- acres has a lot to offer. It has 33+- acres of 15+- year old planted pines, 3 food plots in place, nice road system, 900 of dirt road frontage on Bell Crossing Road, power, water, and internet available along the road, and a great recreational tract. Property taxes are only $122 per year. The 15+- acres could be easily cleared, or more food plots installed. The property is located in section 35, township 6 north, range 18 east, at latitude 31.4418 longitude -86.2168.
Recreation: The property is teeming with whitetail deer and turkey. With water nearby, and nothing but woods around the property, it is a great place for the deer to play. With no restrictions, no easements required, no HOA, and no zoning, this is an easy place to own. The only permit required is a septic system permit from the health department.
***All information in this package is derived from sources that are believed to be accurate but it is the buyers responsibility to confirm that the information is accurate and Butler Land and Timber Company does not warrant any of the information in this brochure. Maps are for location purposes only and for more specific boundaries, buyer can obtain a survey.
Access: 29300 Bell Crossing Road, Opp, Al 36467