This attractive 51 +/- acre grassland and build site property with recreational appeal is located in northern Greenwood County along the Verdigris River. Vaughn-Roth Land Brokers is honored to represent the Kile Trust with the sale of the property via online auction. This parcel is an attractive unit that features clean native pasture/meadow, thick timbered draws, nearly 1500 of Verdigris River frontage, a rural water line running through the property, and electrical service near the property making this parcel attractive to those looking for a location in the country to build a forever home, the recreational buyer, and the ag producer.
The auction will begin on 3/24/2025 at 12:00 p.m. and feature a dynamic closing to begin on 3/26/2025 at 10:00 a.m. for Tract 1, 12:00 p.m. for Tract 2 and 2:00 p.m. for Tract 3.
The property totals 51 +/- acres and is located in northern Greenwood County west of Madison along the Verdigris River. The property features clean rolling native grass meadow, secluded timbered draws, and nearly 1500 of Verdigris River frontage. Grass on the property has been used recently for hay production and is in good condition ready to be hayed or grazed. The property currently doesnt include a pond but has two draws where a pond could be built, or a rural water meter could be installed, and utilized for watering livestock. For recreational buyers, the property can be hayed during the summer for income and then be left alone in the Fall during deer season. For cattle operators, the property would make a nice location for wintering and calving cows with good protection from northern winds.
For recreational buyers the, property offers good hunting opportunities with multiple secluded draws running through the parcel, the Verdigris River acting as a natural travel corridor during the rut, and cropland close to the property. This area is known well for good deer numbers and deer quality.
For those looking for a location in the country to build their forever home, this property offers multiple options for build sites as well. The property features great views of the surrounding Flint Hills and the Verdigris River Valley. A rural water line runs through the southern edge of the parcel. Please contract Greenwood County Rural Water District #3 at 620-437-6309 to verify rural water meter availability and capacity. Electrical service is located near the property as well.
Overall, this is an attractive small parcel that is of a size that is very difficult to find. Small tracts with nearby utilities located along the Verdigris River very rarely hit the market so dont miss your chance at this beautiful parcel. Please give Henry Ott a call at 620-437-7340 to set up your tour today!
For hunters and investors looking to purchase the property, an excellent farm tenant is already in place on the property who would be interested in continuing to hay the property in the future if the new buyer needed a farm tenant.
Auction Info: Property is being offered in a multi-parcel online auction with this being Tract 2 of 3. Tract 1 totals 51-acres and is located to the east of this property on the east side of the Verdigris River. This parcel will be combined with Tract 1 and offered as a 120-acre tract to form Tract 3. High bid amounts on Tract 1 and Tract 2 will be combined and increased by $25,000 to open the bidding for Tract 3. The property will be sold in the form that garners the greatest proceeds. The auction will begin on 3/24/2025 at 12:00 p.m. and feature a dynamic closing to begin on 3/26/2025 at 10:00 a.m. for Tract 1, 12:00 p.m. for Tract 2 and 2:00 p.m. for Tract 3.
Earnest Money: $15,000 due day of the auction.
Possession: Full possession at closing.
2024 Taxes: $1184.50 for the whole 120-acre parcel (tract 3).
Driving Directions from Madison: From the intersection of 99 HWY and 58 HWY head west on 365th Street for nearly 3-miles and the property will be located on the north side of the road after crossing the river bridge.
Legal Description: NW4 NE4 lying west of the center of the South Branch of the Verdigris River, and the NE4 NW4, in Section 16-22S-11E of the 6th PM; Greenwood County, KS (51 +/- Acres)
Disclosure: A 20 wide ingress/egress easement runs through the property to access a land-locked tract located north of this property.
Driving Directions from Madison: From the intersection of 99 HWY and 58 HWY head west on 365th Street for nearly 3-miles and the property will be located on the north side of the road after crossing the river bridge.