Auction Starts: 12:20 PM 5/13/2015 Auction Ends: 12:20 PM 5/15/2015 Nominal Opening Bid: $1,000. US Marshals Service Forfeited Property Please note, for this property, there is no buyer's premium or auction service fee. Property is two tax parcels totaling approx 30.74 ac. Tax Parcel 09-0.5-015-000-000-003.00000 is approx 28.99 Tax Parcel 09-0.5-016-000-000-002.00000 is approx 1.64 ac. Real estate forfeited under laws enforced by the United States Department of Justice and its investigative agencies including the DEA, FBI and ATF. Broker Licenses: MO Bradford P. White RE LIC 2011007233