If youre looking for pasture which historically runs 340-365 cow/calf pairs or 550-685 yearlings, consider the Condon West Pasture. Easily accessible via I-76/Proctor Exit in Logan County, CO. Located 17 miles northeast of Sterling, CO or 4 miles northwest of Fleming, CO. Nearby cattle markets in Sterling, CO and Ogallala, NE. Custom feedlot within 3 miles. Excellent grazing conditions with recent precipitation. Low real estate taxes at $.52/acre. If additional pasture is needed, the Condon SW and Kennedy Pastures are currently available to add. The Condon Ranch is being offered for sale in 6 parcels of varying sizes, including this Condon West Pasture.
Location: From Fleming, CO, 1.5 miles North on CR 79, 0.3 miles West, 1 mile North on CR 77, 2 miles West on CR 40
5,499.7 Total Acres (2,619.7 acres deeded; 2,880.0 acres State Lease)
Estimated Real Estate Taxes: $1,362.24
Cross-fenced into 5 Pastures w/4 livestock wells and 1 stock tank on pipeline
Working corrals
State of Colorado Lease: State Lease totals 1,078 AUMs; annual payment $21,247.38 ($19.71/AUM). Lease expires March 15, 2029
Carrying Capacity: 5 month grazing season; historically 340-365 cow/calf pairs or 550-685 yearlings. Carrying capacity is based on 1,300# cows or 550# to 600# yearlings. Capacity is subject to precipitation, capacity of each pasture, and type, weight, and cut of cattle.
2023 Possession
ASKING PRICE: $2,210,000
1 mi south of I-76/Proctor Exit #141 via CR 67