The property was managed as a mix of Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) and prairie potholes. The buyer can farm all or a portion of the property or re-enroll the property in CRP and Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP). There is a potential building site along State-Line Road. Pheasant hunting is good on the property, with great cover for the birds in the cattail bottomland, and could be enhanced with food plots. Ducks are abundant in the area and use the wetlands on the property for feeding and resting. This would be an ideal location for a hunting camp for those that would enjoy hunting both South Dakota and North Dakota. There are currently no conservation easements restricting land use on the property. The majority of the soils are Class II (99%), and the top 3 soil types are Barnes-Cresbard-Tonka complex with 0-6% slopes (27%) Barnes-Svea loams with 3-6% slopes (26%), and Barnes-Svea-Tonka complex with 0-6% slopes (23%). The Crop Productivity Index (CPI) averages 73.7, and the National Commodity Crop Productivity Index (NCCPI) averages 55.67. Approximately 50 acres can be farmed, and approximately 7ac are wetlands. The tenant will be open in 2023.