+/- 60 unrestricted acres out of a total 108.588. Level, no floodplain, ag exempt, and less than a mile from HWY 95 in Bartlett. Primed for a buy and hold, to be developed, RV park, or to build your dream home in the country, this property is ready for you. There is a 2" waterline appx. 1000 ft. away. 13 miles from Jarrell and I35, 5 miles to Granger, and 15 miles to Taylor where Samsung is building their new campus. The possibilities are endless for this property near the rapidly growing HWY 95 corridor of East Williamson and Bell Counties. The +/- 60 acres is being formed out of 2 parcels in Williamson and Bell County. Buyer to verify all information is correct.
From Austin head North on I35 to Jarrell and exit 275. Stay on the service rd. until the 4 way stop. Turn right onto Fm 487 and head East. Fm 487 will through old town Bartlett. Stay on FM 487 and cross over highway 95 and continue to head East. After crossing HWY 95 property is appx. .87 miles down on the right. Look for the Longhorn Realty sign.