Legal Description:
The Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NW SW), AND part of The Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SW NW), Section Nineteen (19), Township One Hundred Twenty-two (122) North, Range Thirty-eight (38) West, Swift County, Minnesota. Part of PID #03-0198-300. Survey to govern.
Land Breakdown:
The property includes approximately 60.77 Deeded Acres (+-) with 47.24 Tillable Acres (enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program or CRP) with the balance in trees/wetlands.
Real Estate Taxes:
Sellers will pay Property Taxes due and payable in 2024. The Buyer will be responsible for Real Estate Taxes due and payable in 2025 and thereafter. Property taxes will be redetermined after parcel split.
Predominately Sverdrup sandy loam soils with an average Crop Productivity Index (CPI) of 54.1.
(See soils map on the following pages)
There are three restricted use wetlands within the property. However, the Sellers have not completed a recent certified wetland determination. A new determination would provide more up-to-date information. The Sellers make no guarantees to the results of a new wetland determination.
Easements and Survey
The property to be sold is subject to any restrictive covenants or easements of record and any results that an accurate survey may show. A survey has been completed and deeded acres have been adjusted accordingly. A copy of the survey is available on request.
Property Location:
From Benson, MN - 5 miles East on MN Hwy 9, then 2.5 miles North on Swift County #29 (60th Ave NE). Property will be on the East (right) side of the road. Watch for Hughes Real Estate signs.