Located in Blount County about 1 mile south of Cleveland
About 40 acres of mixed fields and planted pine
About 3/10 mile of frontage on paved Co Rd 1
A small acre pond and creek on the property
Several nice home sites. Power and water available
Adjoining 90 acre and 156 acre tracts also available (see topo for details)
Directions from the intersection of I-20/59 Exit #134 in Roebuck (AL Hwy 75): (38 minutes to the property)
From I-20/59 Exit #134, take AL Hwy 75 north toward Oneonta for 25.9 miles. Take a left at Blount Co Road 1 and go 5.8 miles to Hazelrig Rd on the right. From here, property fronts on the south side of Hazelrig Rd for about 800 and south from Hazelrig Road on the east side of Co. Rd. 1 for about 3/10 mile. Look for the Cyprus Partners sign. The intersection of Co. Rd 1 and Hazelrig Rd. is located at Lat: 33 58 22.2N.; Lon: 86 34 20.8 W.