Seller will take offer terms into account in addition to the sale price!
Lot Size: 2.02 acres
Address: Milky Way Ave and Sonora Road, Joshua Tree, CA
APN: 0632-051-12-0000
County:San Bernardino
State: California
Water: Would be Well
Sewer/Septic: Septic: This property will likely require a septic system be installed
Electric: Overhead utilities
Zoning: Residential
Can a house be built on the property: Yes
Road Condition: Dirt
Elevation: 2859 feet
Yearly Taxes: 418.68
Title: Purchased with Title Insurance
Flood Zone: Not in a floodplain or wetlands
HOA: This is not in an HOA
GPS Coordinates:
34.222294, -116.298047
34.222288, -116.297039
34.221492, -116.297054
34.221494, -116.298054
SKU: #DVL-1344289
The best way to get into the area of this property is to input Milky Way Ave & Sonora Rd, Joshua Tree, CA into your GPS. This intersection is the Northwest corner of the property.