The ELMS Farm Irrigated Land Auction offers an excellent opportunity for pivot irrigated land in central Yuma County, CO. This NO RESERVE auction will be held on November 15, 2022 at Yuma County Fairgrounds in Yuma, CO. This property features four irrigated quarters with approximately 500 acres under four center-pivot sprinklers and will be offered as two Parcels and as a Single Unit. Situated approximately 20 miles southeast of Yuma, near Heartstrong, these wells are situated in a good area with ample groundwater. Each quarter-section has its own well at or near the center-pivot point. Parcel #1 (east unit) also has 2-50,000 bushel grain bins for a total of 100,000 bushels of grain storage. Parcel #2 has a stock well for livestock watering. Seller to reserve possession of the grain bins on Parcel #1 until June 1, 2023.
Live Auction - NO RESERVE
Tuesday, November 15, 2022 at Yuma County Fairgrounds at 10:30 AM (MT)
Offered as 2 Parcels and a Single Unit
Access along southern border via Co Rd 23
639.5 total acres - 500.0 pivot irr acres under 4 pivots (grass corners)
Each pivot has its own irrigation well with 400 AF of appropriation
Wells produce 650-850 GPM with relatively minimal drawdown
Current well tests are forthcoming
PARCEL #1 - East Unit
250.0 ac pivot irr under 2 pivots
South circle in corn and north circle in white wheat in 2022
2 - 50,000 bushel grain bins with air
2021 Taxes: $6,926.64 (incl. $3,842.50 for RRWCD & $48.00 for CGWM)
PARCEL #2 - West Unit
250.0 ac pivot irr under 2 pivots
Both circles planted to corn in 2022
Stock well
2021 Taxes: $6,034.46 (incl. $3,654.00 for RRWCD & $48.00 for CGWM)
Seller to convey all OWNED mineral rights
Seller to retain possession of grain bins until March 1, 2023
Located near Heartstrong in Central Yuma County, CO; 5.5 mi E of Hwy 59