Carson Co. Irrigated and Grass 640 Acres
LOCATION: From Panhandle, TX drive north on HWY 207 for 5 miles to the SW corner of the property.
ACRES: 640 Acres +/-
WET ACRES: 335 Wet Acres
GPM: 800 GPM
GPM/WET ACRE: 2.38 GPM/Wet Acre
IRRIGATION WELLS: 1 Well, 760' Depth
PRICE: $3,493,875
1- Zimmatic 1/4-Mile Sprinkler (New)
1- Reinke 110 Acre Sprinkler
1- Valley 100 Acre Sprinkler (Windshield Wipe)
1- Irrigation Well
1- Turbine Pump with Gearhead
1- Stock Well with Submersible Pump
1- 1,800 SF Barn with Concrete Floor
1- Set of Livestock Pens and Shed with Water Tank
1- Perimeter Barbed Wire Fencing and Cross Fencing
3- Dirt Tanks Along the Draw
From Panhandle, TX drive north on HWY 207 for 5 miles to the SW corner of the property.