Located near Camden Community with approximately 1 mile of road frontage on Highway 17
Property located within 6 +/- miles of the Big Black Riverarea well known for exceptional trophy Whitetail hunting
Approximately 25% of property high fenced for Exotic game animals (Axis Deer, Black Buck, Fallow Deer, Red Stag and Elk)
Property outside of high fence is excellent habitat for Whitetail Deer, Turkey and small game
Shooting houses and metal ladder stands in place throughout property
Timber inside and outside of high fence is hardwood/pine mix with compartments of plantation pine. Approximately 22 acres enrolled in the USDA FSA Conservation Reserve Program (CRP)
Large fields and food plots throughout
Hobuck Creek and several smaller creeks traverse property
Well maintained interior roads throughout
Fully functional 3 bedroom farmhouse located on property (nice and comfortable)
Several equipment sheds at farmhouse location
Automated skeet range located in close proximity to farmhouse
$1,700,000.00 (Exotic game animals to be purchased separately)
With purchase, additional acreage (adjacent) may be available to lease