MO. Flats Ranch,
Hot Springs County, Wyoming
Location: The 655+/- acre MO. Flat Ranch is located 12 miles west of Thermopolis along Owl Creek. This ranch sits in the middle portion of the Owl Creek Valley that stretches from the Owl Creek Mountains to the Bighorn River. Located in the southern end of the Bighorn Basin, Thermopolis sits against the Bridger and Owl Creek Mountains and is along the banks of the Bighorn River. Thermopolis has a new regional hospital, K-12 schools, airport, and an abundant variety of outdoor pursuits. Casper is 120 miles, Billings Montana is 200 miles away with Yellowstone Park just over 100 miles. Cody is 80 miles away and Riverton at 60 miles are two of the areas that offer a variety of services including airline service.
Description: The ranch consists of 655 acres that has Owl Creek as the northern boundary and Missouri Flat Road through the southern boundary. It sits along the cottonwood lined bottoms of Owl Creek with spectacular views of the Owl Creek and Bighorn Mountains. Approximately 195 acres of adjudicated water rights, sub-irrigated creek bottom pasture, and dryland big sage pastures provide a good feed base for livestock. The property has been utilized for summer and winter grazing along with the option of haying the irrigated ground. The ranch is easily accessible on interior roads off county roads. It is fenced into 4 separate pastures. Owl Creek and Pumpkin Draw provide live water through sections of the ranch, and there are 2 solar and one electric well. The irrigated fields are level and utilize gated pipe and dirt ditch.
Improvements: The 3360 square foot shop has a full concrete floor. The shop was built in 2016. Everything is in place for a homesite. There is electricity and water to the shop. There are two solar wells on the ranch that supply stock water to pastures.
Irrigation: There are currently 140+ acres of the ranch under irrigation. Underground poly and above ground gated pipe supply water from the South Side ditch with a 1909 adjudication. The additional irrigation is from the Hill-Bierman ditch with a 1910 adjudication. The water for the ranch is sourced from Owl Creek.
Water: There are 3 wells with one electric and two solar. Creek frontage with live water from Owl Creek as well as intermittent flow from Pumpkin Draw provide stock water.
Agriculture: The ranch is currently being grazed as summer and fall pasture with hay production. The sub irrigated creek bottoms have ample feed and the tall sagebrush dryland forage is good.
Wildlife and Recreation: The ranch has trophy quality Whitetail as well as Mule Deer. Upland birds and Turkey are also on the property. Antelope also frequent the ranch. With plenty of water and feed wildlife inhabit the ranch year around.
Close proximity to Federal Lands offer multiple opportunities for outdoor recreation. Hot Springs County has many outdoor recreation activities to choose from.
Comments: The MO. Flats Ranch has the potential to be a home base for an agriculture operation or an addition to an existing ranch at a great price in todays market. It is easily accessible and a short drive from Thermopolis. The Owl Creek Valley has a mild climate and very little wind. The area is scenic, has very little development, and is a great place to live.
Taxes: Taxes were $3054.63 for 2021
Missouri Flats Road