If you are looking for a great opportunity to purchase a reputation ranch in southern Mitchell and Nolan County-look no further. Nestled just under the western slope of Silver Peak is a working ranch with exceptional recreational opportunities and a place to relax and enjoy the West Texas sunsets. Plenty of grass cover for livestock and sculpted pasture canopy provides for ample cover for all species of wildlife. A live spring flows from the base of Jackson Mesa and provides a unique area for game to congregate. Several earthen dams as well as submersible pumps and windmills provide fresh water year round. A newly remodeled 3 bedroom rock home dating back to after the turn of the century makes for a great ranch headquarters. Several livestock pens are on the ranch as well as a barn and horse stalls are located close to headquarters. Please take time to study your lesson here and make it a point to preview this one of a kind ranch in the southwestern part of the Texas Rolling Plains. ***TAKE A LOOK-10% PRICE REDUCTION***