Whether youre looking to expand your current operation or looking for a diverse property in a convenient location, this is the one! The late contract CRP affords you the opportunity to turn some acres back into production. An older home site lies in the north-central portion of the property. Barneys Branch Creek winds its way through the eastern portion of the property while an established catch pond gathers runoff from the western portion. The mature timber along the creek coupled with the convenient highway access would be an ideal location to build your future acreage. If youre looking to add acres or just looking for your future getaway, you arent going to want to miss out on this one. Call Luke Wallace (Ranch & Farm Auctions) or Doug Waller (Miller Monroe Company) for more information!
Bullet points for video and web
About 16 miles from Falls City, Nebraska
About 1 mile from Dawson, Nebraska
Conveniently located with access to both Highways 75 and 73
Small pocket of mature timber surrounding the acreage site and along a creek bed
Small catch pond within drainage from CRP acres
Live water from Barneys Branch Creek
Tract #: 1
Deeded acres: 69.45+/-
FSA Farmland Acres: 48.1+/-
Soil Types: Aksarben silty clay loam, Morril, Wymore silty clay loam
Soil PI/NCCPI/CSR2: 63.2
CRP Acres/payment: 44.55 acres/payment $187.00/acre
Taxes: $1,956.84
Lease Status: CRP expiring 9/30/25
Possession: Immediate possession
Survey needed?: No survey needed
Brief Legal: N NE Less Road S15 T2N R14E, 69.45+/- Acres, Richardson County, Nebraska
PIDs: 740039857
Lat/Lon: 40.1436, -95.8275
Zip Code: 68337