Located between Clanton & Billingsley about 15 minutes from I-65 Exit # 200 (Verbena). Property is on the Chilton-Autauga county line
The property fronts on Autauga County Rd. 55 (the land the woods road is on is owned in fee, not an easement)
Power line runs down the west line. Water service available at the county road
Excellent timber investment: substantial timber value as about 2/3rds of the property is in mature planted pines from 25 years to 35 years of age, and mature natural timber (hardwood & pine) on the rest. Call the agent (who is also the forester who has managed this property for years) for more info on timber value
Boundary lines painted in red
Good hunting. Several food plots and shooting houses on the property. Plus several small wet-weather branches.