Property Description: 70 acres, more or less, being the NE of the SE , and the N of the SE of the SE , and the SE of the SE of the SE , Section 3, T2N, R4W, Rapides Parish, Louisiana.
Topography and Soils: The topography is rolling with a small branch running through the middle of the property. The soils are primarily fine sandy loams that are moderately well-drained to well-drained soils.
Vegetation Types:
Pine Timber 60 acres
Streamside Management Zone 6 acres
Rights-of-way 4 acres
Total: 70 acres
A study was conducted to estimate the merchantable volumes of timber in the Pine Timber Area. No guarantee is made on these estimated volumes. Buyers must rely on their own estimates:
Product Tons
Large Pine Sawtimber 1,230
Pine Sawtimber 3,827
Chip & Saw 1,626
Pine Pulpwood 2,254
Hardwood Sawtimber 412
Hardwood Pulpwood 583
Location and Access: The tract is located approximately two miles north of Hineston. The property lies at the end of the Bounds Road ROW. Bounds Road is maintained up to the last house, but the right-of-way extends to the boundary of the property we have for sale.