Seller will take offer terms into account in addition to the sale price!
Lot Size: 0.44 acres
Address: 0 Ventura Ave
APN: 0585-412-09-0000
County: San Bernardino
State: California
Water: City Water is at the lot line
Sewer/Septic: This property will likely require a septic system be installed
Electric: Overhead utilities
Zoning: Zoning: Residential
Can a house be built on the property: Yes
Road Condition: Paved
Elevation: 3627 feet
Yearly Taxes: 709.06
Title: Purchased with Title Insurance
Flood Zone: Not in a floodplain or wetlands
HOA: This is not in an HOA, but has CCRs
Lot Dimensions:
North boundary: 166ft
East boundary: 116ft
South boundary: 166ft
West boundary: 116ft
GPS Coordinates:
34.113107, -116.477817
34.113092, -116.477270
34.113406, -116.477274
34.113401, -116.477815
SKU: #DVL-1455603
The best way to get into the area of this property is to input the neighbors address into your gps. Our property is the vacant lot to the north of their parcel. 7639 Ventura Ave, Yucca Valley, CA, 92284