This 77.78 acres boasting 2 ponds on ag exempt land is only 1 hour north of Ft Worth or 30 minutes from Decatur. Mature trees scattered across the terrain makes for great views with cleared land for great pasture. Whether you are wanting to bale it for hay or run livestock the productive sandy ground has plenty of options. Priced to move, this property has multiple build sites that offer great privacy with unlimited opportunity to use it as you see fit. Wildlife are abundant on the property as it has been a sanctuary for years without any hunting pressure.
From the 4-way stop sign in Sunset, head east on FM 1749 for 2.7 mi to Smyrna Rd. Go left on Smyrna Rd and continue 1.6 mi to Denver Rd. Go right on Denver Rd, continue for 1.3 mi and turn right to stay on Denver Rd. In 0.8 miles the property will be on your left. West of 1910 Denver Rd, Sunset, TX.