779.66 Acres for Sale in Williams County, North Dakota
757.74 Tillable Acres
Large tract with level to slightly rolling terrain
Farm Leased through 2026
No Buildings
FSA Maps & 156EZ available upon request
Contact Broker for Info
Welcome to Iowa Farm Land BrokersLicensed In Iowa, Nebraska, and IllinoisMy name is David Hueneke and I would like for you to consider giving me the opportunity to assist you with your marketing and land acquisition needs.I grew up on an Eastern Iowa Farm, I have a reasonable understanding and can relate to Midwest Farmland.After tours in Vietnam, I received Post High School Education in Agriculture Production / Business.In addition to my farm and real estate experience:Also spent several years in the oil/gas industry on the exploration and production sideI raised and showed Purebred cattle on a national levelOwned and operated a commercial cow/calf and backgrounding operationAlso worked in the Insurance Industry Health, Life, and InvestmentsReal Estate ExperienceReceived Iowa licensing in the mid-70s and have since become licensed in Nebraska and Illinois.Have been involved in buying and selling farmland for myself and clients ever since.Fulltime farm real estate business for last several years working with:Farmers expanding their holdingsFirst-time farm ownersIndividual and Institutional InvestorsConsider letting me assist you with your marketing or land acquisition intentions.