Town: Beaconsfield
County: Ringgold
State: IA
Taxes: $1,434
Terms: Cash, payable at closing
Land Use: 77.87 farmland, 30.08 CRP, remainder in pasture
Possession: Upon closing
Tillable Acres: 30.08
CRP Acres: 30.08
CRP Description: 30.08 acres enrolled at $146.31 per acre for an annual payment of $4,401.00 with an expiration date of 9/2021 (Ringgold County FSA) Note: CRP is expiring September of 2021 leaving land available for any use.
FSA Description: Corn Base 15.68, 159 PLC Yield (Ringgold County FSA)
CSR Description: CSR2 - 57.1 (Surety Maps)