Located in west Clay County 9 miles due south of the town of Talladega
Access is on a gravel road maintained by the U S Forest Service (see directions)
74 acres of genetically improved loblolly pine planted in 2013
Land lays well and is not steep or rocky
Directions from the intersection of U S Hwy 280 and AL Hwy 76 (Childersburg): (40 minutes to the property)
From the intersection of U S Hwy 280 and AL Hwy 76 in Childersburg, head northeast on Hwy 76 and go 10.1 miles to AL Hwy 21. Take a left and go 0.1 miles and take a right on Chastain Rd. Go 1.6 miles and bear left at Ledbetter Flat road to stay on Chastain Rd. Continue for 0.9 miles on Chastain Rd. and take a right on Rendalia Motorway. Go 3.7 miles and take a right on Germany Mountain Road. Go 1.6 miles and take a right on Forest Service Rd. # 615. Take a right and to 0.25 mile to the north line of the property. Look for the Cyprus Partners sign. The road crosses the north boundary line at Lat: 331732.96 N. Lon: 860604.33 W.