Exceptional farm property for sale in Marshall County, Illinois. The farm is located 2 miles east and 3 miles south of Toluca, south of road 400N and east of county road 2800E. Access to the property is available along the north side via road 400N.
This highly productive farm features predominantly Rutland and Streator soils with a Crop Productivity Index of 130.2. Corn yields have consistently ranged between 225 to 250 bushels per acre. The farm has been strip-tilled for many years, resulting in an increase in organic matter in the soil. Lime was applied one year ago, and Potash and Phosphorus were applied in the fall of 2024 in anticipation of a corn crop in 2025. Tenancy for the farm is open for 2025.
This is an excellent opportunity to acquire a productive and well-maintained farm in a prime location.