Asking: $820,000 or $10,250 Per Acre
Description: High-Quality Cropland & CRP Farm in an Excellent State of Productivity with Great Rural Acreage Building Site Potential. The Beautifully Remodeled Barn, New Well, & Interior Fence Makes this Property a Perfect Fit for the Horse Enthusiast. The Farm is Located East of Oakland Iowa Approx. Mile from Paved Road.
Location: Approx. 1 Mile West & 1/2 Mile North of Oakland IA on the East side of 400th St.
Brief Legal Description: The S1/2 SW1/4, T-75N, R40W All in Pott. Co. Iowa.
Cropland: 41.7 FSA Cropland Acres + 31.4 CRP Acres or 73.10 Total FSA Cropland Acres.
CSR2: 87 CSR2 for the 41.7 Cropland Acres & 78.1 for the 31.4 CRP Acres Per Surety Mapping Software.
CRP: 31.4 Acres Enrolled at $300 Per Acre or $9,420 Per Year. Contract Runs 10-1-2021 to 9-30-2031.
Soils: Soil Types Include Marshall, Corley, Minden & Judson with Slopes Ranging from 0-9%.
FSA Info: Farm #4299 Tract #1973. 77.66 FSA Farmland Acres. 73.10 FSA DCP Cropland Acres. 41.70 effective DCP Cropland Acres. Corn Base Acres = 31 & Corn PLC Yield = 155. Bean Base Acres = 10.70 & Bean PLC Yield = 47.
Building Site: Approx. 4.56 Acres with Gravel Driveway, Electricity Service, & New Well. Excellent Acreage Building Site!
Improvements: Remodeled 3,696 SF Barn with Metal Roof/Siding & 14ft Electric Overhead Door for Large Machinery Storage. 768 SF Pole Shed, Stormor 7,500 Bu Bin with Electric Dryer, Brock 3,500 Bu Bin, & Butler 2,800 Bu Bin. (Tenant Owns Sweep Augers & Auger Motors).
2020-21 Taxes: Real Estate Taxes $2,940 Per Year.
Terms: Cash. 10% Earnest Deposit Upon Acceptance of Offer. Buyer Agrees to Cooperate with Sellers 1031 Exchange.
Possession: At Closing Subject to 2021 Lease which Expires on February 28, 2022. Tenant Reserves Use of Grain Bins Until July 1, 2022.
Closing: October 1, 2021, or Thereafter.
Sellers: Norma J Taylor Trust.
From the City of Oakland, head west on Oakland Ave or Honeysuckle Rd. Head North on 400th St. for 1/2 Mile & the farm is located on the East side of 400th st.