Secluded, timbered, and diverse 80 acres prime for chasing the big woods bucks of Price County. The dead-end access and varying habitat which borders a thick swamp to the west provide quiet, undisturbed hunting. The land has not been hunted in years. The trail system is solid and provides access to all edges and corners of the property.
This parcel has all the habitat types the discerning big woods hunter desires. The timber is a mixture of northern hardwoods of varying age classes. There is plenty of marketable mature maple, oak, cherry, and hemlock. Micro ridges run in several directions and the funnels naturally used by the whitetails are obvious. This land offers solid potential for cost-effective, strategic clearing and food plot enhancements. This general area of Price County is diverse with agriculture, timber, creeks, and elevation. Wildlife and game of multiple species are plentiful. Deer, bear, turkey, grouse, and more are plentiful.
This property, located in a wonderful area of Price County, is priced to sell. The private and peaceful location would make a perfect spot for your up-north retreat or home. A short drive west of Tomahawk or northeast of Rib Lake makes this a central location very close to a variety of recreational activities. Countless lakes and flowages are short distances away. The property is not enrolled in any government programs.
Property Features
-Secluded, dead-end road access
-Heavily timbered with northern hardwoods mix
-Minimal to no hunting pressure for several years
-Variety of wild game, deer, bear, grouse and more
-Buildable with no floodplain or wetlands issues
-Close to many recreational opportunities
-Gated at the road
-Strong trail system
-Peaceful, private location for a north woods retreat
-Endless possibilities for hunting property design
Take State Highway 86 west from Tomahawk for approximately 16 miles. Turn south on Johnson Road for 1 mile. Gate is at the northwest corner of the land.