This is a super nice property that has a beautiful field and timber mix. The field is approximately 29 acres and the rest is timber. The field is made up of gorgeous rolling hills and has some great views in many directions. The timber along the field is a mix of aspen and different pine species. Then, off towards the east, it rolls down the hill into a band of ash; then it changes to spruce and white cedar. Beautiful stands of aspen and pine mix up in the NE part of the field, where there is an old shed still standing. The first time I checked this property out was in the fall, and there were deer out in the field during the middle of the day, and it was about 10 days into the gun season, if memory serves me right. Anyhow, at that time, there was a fair amount of deer sign in the field. I can only imagine what this field could pull in from the surrounding timber if the field ever had some really nice food plots planted, creating better food sources for the local deer. The property is located approximately .41 miles in on an easement coming in from the end of Clover Road. When I checked it out this fall, it was suitable for vehicle travel all the way to the property, but right now, it's not plowed past the gate out at the end of Clover Road. The property also has Superior National Forest ground to the northern and southern borders as well as county tax forfeit land to the east border. This property also isn't very far from Lake Vermilion and many other great fishing and duck-hunting lakes. If this sounds like a property that might fit what you're looking for, give me a call today!
From Big Rice Lake Rd turn right and go east on Clover Rd. Come to the end of Clover Rd and there is a gate. Through that gate approx. .41 miles down the existing driveway/trail you come to the property.