This farm is located North of Osgood MO, and
South of Harris, MO in Sullivan County. The property is currently in the CRP program with
57.34 acres. This provides an income of $5,543.00 The farm has a nice pond, along with some
scattered timber. This property has not been hunted for several years as the owners live out of
state. There is an older single wide trailer that was used as a hunting cabin. This could be an
awesome recreational property for the hunter that is looking for something with some income.
When you enter the property off the gravel road called Oakland Road, the road runs East/West
and the property lays to the South of the road . There is a small chunk, that cuts off the corner
and lays to the North of the road. The East boundary lays low and as you go West, you start to
run up hill. When you get to the top of the hill, and enter the property you are setting in the
center of it and at that position, you can see the whole farm, along with a gorgeous view of the
tree skyline. At the end of the property there is a nice size pond with timber surrounding the
backside of it. North Missouri is a whitetail and turkey haven and this one is waiting for you.
Located Northeast of Kansas City 1 hour and 45 minutes.
Located South of Des Moines, IA 2 hours and 15 minutes.
Located Northwest of St. Louis, MO 4 hours and 15 minutes.
Distance from Moscow, Russia 5200 miles (Just in case!)