This farm is located 3.5 miles east of Delavan, Illinois in the East 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 8, Township 22 North, Range 3 West (Boynton) of the 3rd PM. Tazewell County. 19 miles south of Morton, Illinois.
It is a nearly all tillable (79.97 FSA acres) field on 300/Litwiller Rd. The soil PI Is 139.3.
Call listing Broker Tyler Roth at 309-665-0958 in our Bloomington Office for a complete brochure.
From Delavan, Illinois go east on Litwiller Road 3.5 miles to the farm on the north (left) side of the road and marked with our sign.
This farm is ~ 19 miles south of Morton, 1/2 mile west of I-155 and roughly 5/8 mile southwest of the I-155 & IL 122 interchange.