Presenting the Afton Recreational 80. Located within a couple miles of Afton right in middle big buck country. This farm has all the signs to be a fantastic tract to harvest deer, turkeys, and pheasant year in and year out. Large, south-facing slopes in the middle of the farm are perfect for bedding along with understory to provide plenty of locations to set up stands. Open areas with oak trees are ready for spring turkey hunts. Running through the timber is a sandy creek bed that allows for quiet access to stands and pinch points anytime of the day. Trails are throughout the farm, as well as CRP and places for food plots. The tillable bottom currently being farmed has great income, some tile and a food source for wildlife. If you are looking for a tract of a lifetime to enjoy the great outdoors or the pursuit of giant whitetails this farm is a must! Call today to get this farm locked up before hunting season this fall!
Town: Afton
County: Union
State: IA
Taxes: $1,110
Terms: Cash, payable at closing
Land Use: 77.26 acres farmland, 22.25 ac. cropland, 2.79 ac.
Income: 441
Possession: Upon closing
Tillable Acres: 22.25
Timber Acres: 55.29
CRP Acres: 2.79
CRP Description: $441.00 in annual CRP income, as follows: 2.79 acres x $158.00/acre = $441.00, expiring in 09/2029. Ringgold Co. FSA
FSA Description: FSA shows 77.26 acres farmland, with 22.25 acres cropland, 2.79 acres of which are enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). Crop CORN, Base Ac 12.8, PLCYield 96, CRP Red 0; Crop SOYBEANS, Base Ac 3.2, PLC Yield 35, CRP Red 0. Ringgold Co. FSA
CSR Description: CSR2- 59, Surety Maps
From Hwy 34 at Afton, take Palamino Drive north to 170th Street, then West on 170th toward Pheasant Drive. Farm lies to the Southwest of the Pheasant Drive/170th Street curve.