Land for sale in Michigan, Land for sale in Calhoun County Michigan, Recreational land for sale in Calhoun County Michigan 81.64 ac
81.64 acres of prime hunting land in a prime hunting area of Calhoun County. Mostly all woods, sitting in between farmland. Rolling woods that wrap around great sanctuary lowlands, producing year after year of great big buck chasing! This property has everything you need for great hunts for Michigan's beloved whitetail deer, turkey, small game, or going after some waterfowl off of one of the duck ponds. Schedule a walk today! Lot size & dimensions approx; subj to twsp approval of land split. Tax info not available as it is being split from a larger parcel. Address made up for location purposes only.
Parcel will essentially be the eastern 1/2 of parcel ID 2011202700 & eastern 1/2 of parcel ID 2011203033
Just east of intersection of 17 1/2 Mile and P Dr S on north side