Patton/Lyle Family Farmland Auction
Gentry County Missouri Farmland with Possible Development
King City, Missouri
Short Legal:
Twn61N, Rng32W, Sec 33.
Legal Description:
The West Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 33: also a tract commencing 955 feet South of the Northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of Section 32: running thence West 336 feet; running thence South 300 feet, more or less , to the South line of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of the said Section 32; thence East 336 feet; thence North 365 feet, more or less to the place of beginning; and also a tract commencing at the Northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 32; running thence West 177 feet; thence South 469 feet, thence East 177 feet, thence North 469 feet to the place of beginning, all in Township 61, Range 32, in Gentry County Missouri containing 85 acres. Legal on deed to govern.
Total Acres:
Taxed Acres:
$458 (2021 Tax Year).
Farm is currently leased for the 2023 crop year. Lease will transfer with the property. New owner will receive the second rent payment of $5000 due and payable November 30, 2023, from tenant. New owners will also receive the 2023 CRP Payment due and Payable on Oct 1, 2023.
Method of Sale:
Farm will be offered by online auction only. The bidding will open starting May 15, 2023, and ending on May 19th, 2023.
Closing Date:
Farm must be closed on or before July 5th, 2023.
Mostly Grundy Silt Clay Loam, Lamoni Clay Loam, Lagonda Silty Clay Loam (mostly class 2 and 3 soils). See soil map for complete details.
FSA Information:
Total Acres 85.19+/-, Cropland Acres 72.44+/-. Base Acres: Wheat 29.70, Corn 27.50, Soybeans 3.80, Total Base Acres 61.
CRP Information:
8.9+/- Acres enrolled through 9/30/2026 paying $187.81 per acre or $1,672 annually.
Located on the south edge of King City, this 81.7-acre farm has 41.8 acres inside the city limits! Farm offers great access from 3 sides including Berlin Rd, 462 Rd and South Ohio Street. The farm has 72.4 tillable acres with 63.5 being farmed and 8.9 acres in CRP paying $187 per acre expiring in 2026. The farm is rented for 2023 with the new buyer receiving a portion of the cash rent in the fall as well as the 2023 CRP payment. This property offers multiple building sites and close utilities giving buyers the option to subdivide or would make an excellent addition to anyones row crop operation. Farms like these dont change hands very often! Strong farming community with plenty of successful farming operations if you are looking for a tenant.
Auctioneers Note:
Farm has a recorded Sewer Right of Way and Maintenance agreement with the City of King City and copies are available for buyers review.
From King City, head South on 169. Turn left (East) on NW Berlin Rd. Continue
about a half mile and the property will be on the North side of the road. Look for the auction