85.09 acres m/l of top-quality Warren County farmland with excellent building site potential and tons of wildlife, located 12 miles southwest of Indianola, Iowa. The tillable acres carry a CSR2 rating of 64.5 with primary soil types of Ackmore, Sharpsburg, and Adair-Shelby. This farm has approximately 74.51 acres currently enrolled into three CRP contracts for an annual CRP payment of over 17,500 per year. There are an additional 2 acres of CRP being sold with the house. The contracts are as follows: 42.5 acres at 220.35 per acre expiring in 2032, 5.47 acres at $212.59 per acre with a contract expiring in 2024, and 25.54 acres at $267.13 per acre expiring in 2027. The 42.5 acres could be taken out of CRP with a small penalty paid to FSA. Some of these fields are eligible for food plots to be planted. The remaining acres are in timbered creek bottoms and have excellent hunting potential.
Farm Details
FSA Cropland Acres 73.51
5.47 Acres enrolled in CP4D Paying $212.59 per acre or an annual amount of $1,163 until September 30th, 2024
25.54 Acres enrolled in CP42 Paying $267.13 per acre or an annual amount of $6,823 until September 30th, 2027
42.5 Acres enrolled in CP38-2 Paying $220.35 per acre or an annual amount of $9,365 until September 30th, 2032
**Farm Program information is based on whole farm figures. These figures are subject to the farm being reconstituted by the Warren County FSA and NRCS offices.
From the intersection of Highway 92 and Highway 66/65 in Indianola, IA, head south on Highway 69/65. After 13 miles on Highway 65 turn west onto Highway G76. In roughly 3/4 of a mile turn right back north onto 100th Avenue. After a slight turn heading back west take the next right turn heading back north onto 100th Avenue. The property will be 1.25 miles off Highway G76.