Check out this nice recreational tract of land for sale in Wayne County, Iowa. This property boast 85.29 acres with approximately 22 acres of open ground that could be used for
pasture, tillable or for food plots. Nice mixture of hardwoods, cedar thickets and native grasses providing ample cover and bedding for wildlife. West side of the property hosts the West Fork Medicine Creek providing a water source and has established trail system to easily navigate around the farm. If youre looking for a property that has all the workings of being a top end whitetail farm look no further.
Address: 00 105th St. Allerton, IA 50008
* 85.29 acres for sale in Wayne County, Iowa
* Nice mixture of hardwoods, cedar thickets & native grasses
* West Fork Creek runs through property
* Established trail system
* Approximately 22 acres of open ground for tillable, pasture or food plots
* Water and electric runs along the road
Going south out of Allerton, follow County Road S26 until Davis Road. Go west on Davis Road and it will turn onto 105th St. Follow 105th St 1/4 of a mile and the property is on the west hand side of the road.