Level Tillable Land Good Productive Soils Lots of Road Frontage Large Open Ditch for Easy Drainage
Saturday, February 17th from 10am-1pm
Meet a Schrader Representative along Tract 1 or call Jerry Ehle for walk-over permission.
3.5 Miles Northeast of Harlan, IN
Scipio Township
Harlan Christian Community Center
12616 Spencerville Rd, Harlan, IN 46743
Tract 1: 13 ac This tract has road frontage along both Killian and Knouse Roads. There is approximately 1,000 feet of frontage along Killian Rd and approximately 600 feet along Knouse Rd. The contour slopes up in the center of this tract for a beautiful potential home site. The south border is the large open drain. The soils are Rensselaer silty clay loam to the north and Mermill complex to the south with a band of Oshtemo fine sandy loam through the center.
Tract 2: 6.5 ac SWING TRACT - This tract is a swing tract meaning that it can only be bid on by the adjacent land owner or in combination with another tract that has road access. The soils are a combination of Rensselaer, Mermill complex, and Oshtemo fine sandy loam. The south border is the large open ditch. Combine with either Tracts 1 or 3 for additional acres!
Tract 3: 13 ac This tract has approximately 1,200 feet of road frontage along Knouse Rd and runs back nearly 700 feet at the deepest. The large open drain runs diagonally as the south border. The soils are mostly Whitaker loam to the north and Rensselaer silty clay to the south.
Tract 4: 20 ac This tract has approximately 400 feet of road frontage along Killian Rd. It runs to the east approximately 1,200 feet. The north border is the large open drain. The soils are a combination of Hoytville silty clay and Whitaker silt loam and Haskins loam.
Combine Tracts 4 and 5 for a beautiful 55+/- acre farm with access off of both roads!!
Tract 5: 35 ac This tract has approximately 150 feet of road access off of Knouse Rd. The remainder of the north border is the large open drain. The tract runs back approximately 1,400 feet in depth. The soils are a combination of Martinsville loam to the north and then Rensselaer and Haskins towards the middle and south.
3.5 Miles Northeast of Harlan, IN
Scipio Township
Harlan Christian Community Center
12616 Spencerville Rd, Harlan, IN 46743