The Smith Creek Ranch features a complete headquarter unit with three-bedroom ranch-style home, barn, corrals, machine shed and shop. The unit is situated on the banks of Smith Creek with abundant winter protection, complemented by productive feed base and fantastic wildlife.
LOCATION: The area surrounding the ranch is noted for exceptional livestock gains and crop production. Agri-business is strong in the local economy, with livestock markets, feed-yards, schools, banks, hardware stores, equipment dealers, churches and restaurants all within a short drive.
Directions: From Bison, SD- 5 miles west on SD Hwy 20, 7 South on Bixby Rd., 4 miles East on 136th, 1 1/2 milesSouth on 178th Ave.
The Smith Creek Ranch is accessed via 178th Ave. which enters the property from the north.
WATER: Water is provided by a windmill powered well at the HQ which feeds a storage tank of approximately 6,000 gal in size.
OPERATION: The property features an attractive set of headquarter improvements, including a well-kept 3 bedroom 2 bath ranch-style home with attached garage. Support structures include livestock barns, shop, and corrals along with several large pens and traps surrounded by large mature shelterbelts and windbreaks. Smith Creek runs through the full length of the property, providing exceptional winter protection as well as fantastic wildlife and game habitat. The grassland is in excellent condition with a diverse mix of vegetation. The soils on the tillable are comprised of Morton, Morton-Lantry and Regent loams. Of the total 880 acres, the property has 179 acres as an established crop base.
Directions: From Bison, SD- 5 miles west on SD Hwy 20, 7 South on Bixby Rd., 4 miles East on 136th, 1 1/2 milesSouth on 178th Ave.