89 total acres, which are nearly all tillable with 82.8 certified acres in the South Platte NRD. Paved road access and great location. Level terrain. Possession available for 2025 crop season.
88.9 total acres
84.7 acres flood irrigated
Deuel County, NE
3 registered irrigation wells / 2 wells are currently metered
82.8 certified acres in South Platte NRD
Possession available for 2025 crop year
FSA Crop Base: 67.9 acres corn base at 130 bu
R/E Taxes: $1,864.30 (2024)
LEGAL: All SE4, lying S of I-80 - Sec 31, T13N-R41W
Seller to convey all OWNED mineral rights
Located near Big Springs, NE
Road 8/West 40 (south boundary)