Located 10 miles north of Comstock with paved frontage on RR 163, Lone Star Trophy Ranch is an excellent turnkey ranch ready to go for a corporate group, deer breeding facility or serious hunter. The ranch is a great mix of rolling hills with fantastic views to level bottom land and gently sloping draws. The cover on the ranch ranges from heavy to medium brush, allowing for great game habitat but also excellent open range hunting. The native habitat and vegetation is exceptional on the ranch and is a mix of several south Texas brushes including cenizo, mountain laurel, sage, guayacan, mountain laurel, persimon and agarita. These browses provide excellent feed and protein during the spring and summer months and is key to maintaining the excellent quality of deer that roam the ranch. The terrain of the ranch allows for multiple feeder and blind areas, all safely positioned away from each other. The owner has placed a shooting range on the ranch that will accommodate up to 3000 yard practice for the long range shooters. Improvements and equipment: The perimeter of the ranch is completely game fenced along with a 5 acre pen area that may be used for a breeding facility or a soft release area. The ranch also has a deep strong well that provides water throughout the ranch to 5 tanks and numerous other water stations scattered throughout the ranch. These ponds and stations are essential for the wildlife on the ranch particularly the quail and turkey. Improvements include a comfortable 3-2 mobile that is in excellent condition and set up to accommodate up to 12 guests, storage building, skinning shed with hoist and walk in cooler, 1000 lb ice maker and 2-20 ft rail containers. Equipment that the seller is willing to convey include a 85 HP New Holland tractor with bucket and shredder, 6 protein feeders, 10 corn feeders, 10 excellent blinds, 6 quail feeders and 4 through feeders. The whitetail herd has been improved throughout the years with superior genetics and has been intensely managed for the last 10 years to maintain a quality and trophy herd. The ranch is currently under a MLDP Level 3 P&W permit. The ranch has a herd of some 30-40 axis deer, along with Bobwhite and Blue quail, Turkey, hogs and dove. $889,000. Wont last call Morris Killough 210-415-9850 or Scott Saunders 830-591-9509