One of the last lots in one of the nicer large acreage subdivisions near Sheridan where you can have your horses, experience privacy, enjoy beautiful views in every direction including the Bighorn Mountains and their peaks, and have a really big and spacious backyard thats teeming with wildlife. Located just minutes from downtown Sheridan, on paved roads. Bring your horses and plans for your dream. Sheridan's beauty and quality of life are no longer a secret, so as limited as the inventory for properties like this one is, it will only get more limited. We invite you to take a tour of it and see for yourself how nice it is.
Its amenities include a SAWS water tap (Sheridan Area Water Supply), which is already installed, and a small loafing shed for shelter and feed storage. There is also an adjoining small horse corral and the installed horse waterer provides year-round water, without requiring electricity. SaddleCrest Drive is a paved road so no gravel roads to drive when you go to town.
2 miles west of Main on Loucks. Look for SaddleCrest Dr on the right or on the north side of the highway.