97 wooded acres for sale in Wood county with marketable timber: white oak, black oak,chestnut oak, red oak, black walnut, and multiple other species. Flat creek bottoms with 2 creeks flowing into one creek that run through the entire property. The property is at the Dead end of Lick run road. Very secluded with private property on all sides. There is an additonal 42 acres adjacent to this property that is in Wirt county with approx. 13 acres of marketable timber. This tract also has very thick cover from timber cut approx. 10 years ago. Maincreek runs through this property as well, this tract has frontage on Gooseneck Run Road which has electric and public water service available. Beautiful hill top location for cabin location with small pastured flat behind site in valley below
From route 47 & 77 take 47 east to left on Walker road approx 5 miles to Lick Run road on right. From route 50 go south on Progress Ridge road to left on walker, approx. 1 mile to Lick run Road on right