Cash: $23,000
Owner Finance: $26,250 $300 doc fee/$250 down & 104 payments of $262.98 ($250 Loan Payment, $10.00 Service Fee, $2.98 property tax)
Doc Fee Payment Link:
Note: Down Payment & Doc Fee can be paid using credit or debit card. Monthly payments must be paid using ACH checking account/routing number.
Acres: 5
Property Id: 135296
Legal Description: The North Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 6, Block 7, PUBLIC SCHOOL LANDS, El Paso County, Texas; RESERVING, HOWEVER, an appurtnenat easement over the North, East, South and West 20 feet of said property, unto GRANTOR and all persons claiming under it, and unto the general public for road purposes, and reserving said easement unto GRANTOR and all persons claiming under it, for the placement, maintenance and operation of public utilities.
Elevation: 4,164 Ft
Topography: Flat
Roads: Dirt
This is off-grid land. There are no city utilities here. You can use batteries, a generator, solar panels or windmill for electricity.
For water you can bring it with you, drill a well, have water trucked in and delivered, set up a rain catchment system
State: Texas
County: El Paso
Property Tax: $35.68 yr
Nearest Town: El Paso, TX
Google Map Link:
GPS Coordinates:
NorthWest Corner: 31.817738,-106.098198
SouthWest Corner: 31.816846,-106.098187
SouthEast Corner: 31.816836,-106.096065
NorthEast Corner: 31.817737,-106.096075