Pricing Details:
Price: $22,000
Owner Financed Price: $30,250
$4,538 Down & $454/Month
Inquire with us for alternate financing options
Property Details:
Parcel #: 82100883133
County: Yancey, NC
Parcel Size: 1.92 acres
Location: HWY 197, BURNSVILLE, NC, 28714
Legal Description:
Property Dimensions: 326.31 ft x 324.64 ft x 201.72 ft x 238.86 ft
GPS Center Coordinates: 35.95398579276477, -82.28335515431108
GPS Coordinates (4 Corners) Approximate:
35.95425316762358, -82.28385852848247
35.95434380424984, -82.28346252780433
35.954334294762624, -82.28277361894648
35.953947798718616, -82.28290953223377
35.953509434453245, -82.28314678001986
35.953648331822386, -82.28371328344785
35.953618888821026, -82.28378978811264
Elevation: 2689.5 feet
Access to Property (Dirt or Paved): Gravel Road
Zoning: No zoning
Terrain: Rolling
Time limit: Permit will expire six months after issuance.
Tax Amount:2023 Annual tax was $193.70.
Total Discount: $3.87
Total Due after Discount: $189.83 (Unpaid)
HOA: Not part of an HOA
Water: Would need to drill a well
Sewer: Would need to install a septic system
Power: Yes, by French Broad Electric Corporation 828-682-6121